Saturday, December 1, 2012

Multimedia marking period 2

Assignment 11:Pajama Day poster. I used Backgroud overlay to show my picture as my background, then, i used gradient tool to make my backgroud more colorful. after that, I used brush tool(stamp,and draw hearts). Next, i used text effect to make my text even cooler. lastly, i used filter(blur)to adjust my text. In totoal. i uesed 5 skills 1st marking period to make the pajama flyer.

Assignment 12: I used Magenetic lasso tool to select the area i want to add fabri to , and i add the  texture over lay it, and adjust the opacity.

assignment 13, i coy and paste the junky food image, and transform them into different sizes, and for the healty fruit, i used the gloomy edge to make it look prettier.
assignment 14, i learn how to  create a painted effect look by overlaying an image distorted with a Displacement, i used chinese flag to overlay and displace it onto Jacky li's face.

                                             Assignment 15:  I used fish liang's picture, i created 12 pennals, and selected and transform them, then for each pennal, i add different gradient effect to it, which looks pretty cool as you see now.

Assignment 16: i learn how to use motion blur to create a car race scene, which looks very excited , shows the effect that the white car is running so fast.
assignment 17: I learn how to fix a ugly picture by dye the hair and use the quick mask tool, then using the brush to select the area i want to fix which is the hair, and inverse it.

assignment 18: i use add the original picture with the soft focus effect to make a portrait glow

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