Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Marking period 3

Assignment 19, i used Illustrator, and used eclipse tool to draw the e circle, rectangle ,and squares, by adjust the blending mode, change the gradient to make a realistic USB shape.

Assignment 20a, Using Goggle Sketchup

Assignment 20b:Using Goggle Sketchup

assignment 20c Using Goggle Sketchup
assignment 21.1Using Goggle Sketchupassignment21.2Using Goggle Sketchup

Assignment 21,3Using Goggle Sketchup
Assignment 21.4Using Goggle Sketchup

assignment 21.5Using Goggle Sketchup

assignment 21.6Using Goggle Sketchup
Assignment 21.7 using Google Sketchup
assignment 21.8Using Goggle Sketchup

assignment 21.9Using Goggle Sketchup
Assignment 21.10Using Goggle Sketchup

assignnment 21.11Using Goggle Sketchup

assignment 21.12Using Goggle Sketchup
quizUsing Goggle Sketchup
christmas house 22, i opened up Goggle Sketchup, and draw a rectangle and triangle, then push up, to create the 3D effect, lastly, i color my house and addds some decorations.
assignment 23, i used a snowy picture as my background and my house as my object. Then, i created 2 layers, red and blue blur, and to create the 3D effect as you see in the picture. Link:
see http://www.tzs11.blogspot.com for direction.
Assignment 24,(button), first, i open up Photoshop , and i used ecplise tool to draw a circle as my button background,and then drwa a small circle inside of it, by adjusting the blending mode, the gradient and glow. next, i added the power symbol , finally, i went to animation, and adjust the time setting from 0 second to 10 second. Link:
assignment 25, i opened up Microsoft Publisher, and selected brochure to list all my classses, and indicates what i have learn from each class.
assignment 26: Show case, i opened Phtotoshop, and create 4rectangles for my walls, floor and ceiling, by adjust the perspective transform to make into 3D room. then i draw 3 circles as my light ,and adjust the gradient, then i create the light shadow effect. lastly, i uses wedding dress as my objects on the show case. Link:www.photoshop-plus.co.uk/2011/09/21/learn-how-to-create-your-very-own-showcase-room/#more-648

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Multimedia marking period 2

Assignment 11:Pajama Day poster. I used Backgroud overlay to show my picture as my background, then, i used gradient tool to make my backgroud more colorful. after that, I used brush tool(stamp,and draw hearts). Next, i used text effect to make my text even cooler. lastly, i used filter(blur)to adjust my text. In totoal. i uesed 5 skills 1st marking period to make the pajama flyer.

Assignment 12: I used Magenetic lasso tool to select the area i want to add fabri to , and i add the  texture over lay it, and adjust the opacity.

assignment 13, i coy and paste the junky food image, and transform them into different sizes, and for the healty fruit, i used the gloomy edge to make it look prettier.
assignment 14, i learn how to  create a painted effect look by overlaying an image distorted with a Displacement, i used chinese flag to overlay and displace it onto Jacky li's face.

                                             Assignment 15:  I used fish liang's picture, i created 12 pennals, and selected and transform them, then for each pennal, i add different gradient effect to it, which looks pretty cool as you see now.

Assignment 16: i learn how to use motion blur to create a car race scene, which looks very excited , shows the effect that the white car is running so fast.
assignment 17: I learn how to fix a ugly picture by dye the hair and use the quick mask tool, then using the brush to select the area i want to fix which is the hair, and inverse it.

assignment 18: i use add the original picture with the soft focus effect to make a portrait glow